A redwing blackbird sitting on a fence post.


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Good Luck, Little Brother


Category: General

I wish my little brother good luck. He leaves today for the Middle East. Though he is only going over to be a civilian contractor, and not a soldier, It is still a matter of concern for my father.

In the first Gulf War, all those years ago, my brother was a Seabee on a ship in the Gulf. Back then he had a nasty habit of falling off ships (with the assistance of his fellow sailors.) In the last year he has matured quite a bit.

No longer drinking, he decided to do something productive. He hopes to make enough to help his daughter like he should have been doing for some time. When I spoke with him by phone today he almost sounded like a grown up.

So, as my little brother goes off to work on diesel engines in an area where he may not be extremely welcome, I wish him luck.

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