The Last Debate
Category: politicsWe're preparing for the final Presidential Debate tonight. This aught to be a good one. They're supposed to talk about domestic issues. Since many of you probably didn't know that Bush and Kerry were roommates, I thought I would list a few of the issues they have to deal with.
- Bush never puts the toilet seat back down when done.
- Kerry keeps knocking Bush's cowboy hat off the hat stand.
- Every time Bush finds Kerry's botox needles, he calls the DEA.
- Bush plays loud music whenever Kerry and Edwards are having a "quiet moment".
- Bush makes a big show of yawning any time Kerry speaks.
- Kerry can never decide which TV show to watch.
- Bush will tie a sock on the doorknob when Laura comes over but he never removes it. As a result, Kerry has to sleep in his car.
- They eat each other's food. (The exception is salad dressing. Kerry likes French and Bush likes ranch.)
- It takes three hours for Kerry to make fun of Bush for stammering.
- Bush shortens the legs on the table so Kerry's legs won't fit beneath.
- Bush occasionally pulls Kerry on top of him and calls for the Secret Service to rough Kerry up.
I hope that helps clear things up for you.
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